Creative outlets I enjoy!

Welcome back to Lamon Reviews. This weeks prompt for Long and Short Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge is Creative outlets I enjoy.

I like to do many things, reading, painting, writing, drawing, cooking, just to name a few. It really depends on my mood and also the time of season. For example, I am much more creative with cooking in the winters. Soups and stews are my jam.

Like everyone else in the USA, I started a garden this year, and am finding it a strange creative outlets. Painting signs and designing the layout are just a few of the things that have been a happy creative outlets for me.

I have recently been stretching my woodworking muscles. But I don’t know if that is out of necessity or if I would enjoy that as a long term activity.

I recently started writing more short stories and flash fiction to get my creative writing juices flowing.

Mostly I feel that there are a large number of things I want to do creatively and not enough hours in the week. Sometimes I feel scattered until I finish something I’ve worked on, then I’m raring to go on to the next thing.

And don’t even get me started on the sewing projects I want to try!! Like I said, not enough hours in the week. Most of my creative outlets are universal to creative type personalities and I feel are not always unique. But it’s what I have!

What about you? What are some creative outlets you enjoy? Let me know in the comments below.


    1. I made a small plaque to decorate the garden. I will make a couple of sconces to match the ones my husband made. And I want to make an outdoor lounging chair, but I think I will just be assisting with that project.😁😁

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    1. I’m just starting, but thank you! To curb my possible kill streak I strategically left native things around the garden that come back all the time. They stay green with little water and it looks super pretty. Oh and I’m all about anything drought tolerant that thrives in my zone.πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

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