Welcome to the New Year!

We are also planning to introduce some new features and segments on our blog, such as interviews, podcasts, giveaways, and more. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements! We wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.

Bound by a Sicilian Secret by Lela May Wight

When their worlds collided…
They became tied forever!
Flora Bick once strayed from her carefully scripted life and lost herself in the uninhibited kisses of a stranger. Overwhelmed, she fled his bed and returned to her risk-free existence. Now, he’s found her, and together…

The Power of a Good Book: Rediscovering the benefits of Reading

…reading isn’t just good for our minds – did you know it’s also good for our health. Studies have shown that reading can reduce stress, improve sleep, and even increase your lifespan… including writers, buisness people, Actors, and even your favorite podcasters, making reading a regular part of their routine…

Butterflies from above by Melissa Stuart| Book review/ Giveaway/ Author Interview

…After my grandmother passed away, yellow butterflies sometimes appeared above me when I was horseback riding. Same with my little girl when she would ride. It brought such comfort when they appeared during a sad time…