One Jaded Rose by James Byron Books

Welcome back to Lamon Reviews. Today I have a giveaway and review of One Jaded Rose by James Byron Books.

Remember to enter todays giveaway for your chance to win a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

One Jaded Rose
by James Byron Books

GENRE: Fiction / Humorous / General


One jaded Rose is a light-hearted caper, the first in the series written by James Byron Books. Rose needed a plus-one, but not for the usual wedding or party. She was going to a funeral and needed a quiet, unassuming type, but when Nic Thorn arrived, he was anything but a wallflower.

Rose and her BFF, Sandy, have time on their hands, and soon find that Nic will fill the void. He coerces them into his madcap investigations of scams, frauds and misunderstandings. This modern-day adventure leads them from one lively caper to another, involving portrait provenance, invoice inaccuracy, and a recycler’s relapse, on their travels from Brisbane to Adelaide and across the South Australian border.

Read An Excerpt from One Jaded Rose by James Byron Books

Rosemary Palmer was standing on the wraparound balcony of her Queenslander in the leafy Brisbane suburb of Hamilton. She heard it before she saw it, the growling throb of a Ford Mustang crawling down her street. Oh, please don’t let it be him she thought, she really needed her +1 to be quiet and conservative, but her hopes were dashed as it came to a slow stop outside her home. Damn.

The driver seemed to be taking an extra-ordinarily long time to exit the car and the darkened windows made it even more difficult to catch a glimpse of him. Finally he exited, but he didn’t look up to where she was standing, rather, he walked around to the back of the car and extracted a bouquet of Lisianthus from the boot. At least he has read my Vita Brevis dating profile, she thought, as she watched him walk to the front gate.

Giving him the once over from her makeshift citadel, she was initially satisfied that the handsome dark-haired man dressed in the standard ‘Australian cocky’ attire might just do at such short notice. She guessed him to be mid 30’s, about 1.9m, around 110kgs, and he wore the chinos, blue twill shirt and checked wool blazer rather well, maybe too well. He seemed to be struggling with the flower arrangement, front gate and intercom system, though, so she called out, and he looked up at her.

Rose then called down to the gardener. “I’ve got this Mr Croud. This gentleman is here to meet with me.” The gardener waved an acknowledgement.

Rose looked back at her guest, and he smiled at her. Did his eyes just sparkle? Maybe he was just squinting into the sun. Yes, that was definitely it. He was definitely squinting into the sun.

*I received a free e-copy of this book from Goddessfish Promotions to review honestly on the blog tour. All opinions are my own and unbiased.*


When Rosemary Palmer is in need of a plus one for her ‘uncles’ funeral and subsequent will reading, all she wants is a non descript and quiet person, but what she gets is a quirky jack-of-all-trades ‘james bond’ in Nic Thorn.

Quickly she and her best friend Sandy are entangled in many entriguing ‘capers’ with Nic as he investigates things from security systems to bank fraud.

This book is fast-paced, exciting, and . I especially enjoy the banter between Rose, Sandy and Nic. After the first caper was successful, there is a point where the three are talking and it reminded me of a ‘Charlies Angels’ vibe.

One Jaded Rose progresses quickly and smoothly from one job to the next. The writing is entertaining and engaging for me. Fun quick-witted characters, humorous dialogue, Monty Python references, and puns galore makes this a great book I recommend for all readers. Its 217 pages can be read in a short time.

One Jaded Rose is the first book in the ‘Nic Thorn Caper’ series by James Byron Books. I hope the next in the series is as fun and interesting as this one.

About Author James Byron Books

The author is a long-term banker by profession, and a lifetime musician, songwriter and inveterate dreamer. His writing is a creative escape that he needs to keep his mind active and fingers supple, ready to write his next caper, penned as James Byron Books.

The author lives in South Australia in a renovated church, with a very shy cat. He has been fortunate to have visited many places that are worthy of a peek, and enjoys including them in these stories.


















James Byron Books will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

*This contest is sponsored by a third party. Lamon Reviews is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Lamon Reviews. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.

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I hope you enjoyed todays book review for One Jaded Rose by James Byron Books. I enjoyed reading it.

And As Always…

Go forth, dear readers, support your favorite indie authors and encourage reading and literacy.

K. LaMon
Lamon Reviews


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